The Emergence
The Emergence
The Information Trap

The Information Trap

Join The Emergence for a commentary from host J. Paul Duplantis on the role communication technology is playing in trapping information exchanged between users and providers on the web and through applications.

Since the birth of the PC revolution through to today, people have engaged with digital information through computer boxes on their desktops, mobile boxes in their hands or silos on servers in the form of Google, Facebook, Twitter or Personal applications. What has resulted is a highly compartmentalized approach to managing the flow of information rewarding those who best monetize experiences coming from the users.

In the late 1960’s, before the birth of the PC, Douglas Engelbart envisioned a future where information would be collaborated on more than contained and controlled to provide people with agency over their own experiences. Now there are tools on the horizon to break us out of these boxes and to free us from information traps but this change will only be driven by interests not tied exclusively to the prospects of monetary gain.

Douglas Engelbart NLS Online System

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The Emergence
The Emergence
Welcome to The Emergence. A podcast of essays, commentary, and conversations on the failed state of a highly centralized and manipulative web and ideas on how to reverse this course to create a future web where the user is in control outside the influence of outside interests.
Whether it is through the lens of technology, politics, ideologies, philosophies, social orders, or interpersonal relationships, The Emergence will dig deep to find answers to inspire the building of a connection more representative of the user.